About Us

Who | What | Where | When...  


A dream of always doing something for himself, he took what he loved and put it in a box. A London-born, Kent-bred, Northern Ireland-living Gemini, with so many creative ideas, it's scary! Taking a night of fun he once had, then compressed it and reimagined it for everyone, no-matter your artistic ability. 

A night in with a difference. Everything you need to create a work of art, with a step-by-step guide, video, or voice-note, in the comfort of your own space. Can be done alone or with friends. Add snacks and drinks of your choice, for what we like to call in the business, a      "Paint Party".


PaintParty.UK can be hosted by us or you. It can be done anywhere: in your home, in your classroom, in your office... actually ANY space you feel comfortable and creative. Make sure you have tables and chairs for your guests, or an easel... if you're boojie! Invite your friends over and get the drinks flowing, (if you've over 18. Please drink responsibly!) www.DrinkAware.co.uk

A night in with a difference for absolutely anyone and everyone- a hen night, an office party, an art or social group. Your birthday, your friend's birthday or even your kid's birthday. Any excuse for a get-together, with art projects suitable for everyone... even if you just want to do a fun art project on your own. PaintParty.UK is totally adaptable to you and your space!

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Practical advice and guidance
How to get us to run an evening
Photos of your Parties